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Gratitude: A Daily Dose

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a day of celebrating gratitude. But why do it only once a year? Gratitude, when practiced everyday, is one of the most essential and rewarding gifts you can give yourself; a daily dose for better health, physically, mentally and spiritually. What ends up getting all of the attention and time in the spotlight, are our problems and frustations. Although we have to address our less savory circumstances and find solutions, we must shed light on what currently brings us joy and contentment in order to allow more joy to move into our lives.

Louie Schwartzberg talks about his gratitude, and how it has served him on his journey. Nature's beauty can be easily missed — but not through the lens of Louie Schwartzberg.

Talk about change the way you look at things! Taking time to reflect on things we are grateful for–even the seemingly small– will open your spirit like a flower. I promise, it won't disappoint.

Among the many obvious gratitudes I have for today, Thanksgiving, I must be forever grateful for my surrender. It has put me on the path to discovering the infinite possibilities I have before me. Thank you Surrender.

Make the decision that will move you forward.

Click 'Contact' and reach out to me. We'll get on a call and figure it all out.

Much love and gratitude to you all today and everyday!

Much love,


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