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Another One Bites the Dust

I cannot believe we are winding down another year! Another 365 days; 8,760 hours; 525,600 minutes – gone! In what seems like a blink of an eye!

When I think about this year, especially, I reflect back and am extremely thankful, grateful and freakin' proud of what I have accomplished in what could have been a highly tumultuous year. Oh so much change for me. SO much change.

My 'old' self would have gotten swept away in this radical change and paralysis would have crept in, big time! "When you know better, do better", thank you, Maya!

I am working damn hard on myself to change the way I look at things, and things have most certainly changed as a result!

Why are we always so resistant? We think it works for those 'lucky people' and not for us!

Blah, blah, blah...that's just bullshit.

What my journey has taught me, and continues to teach me, is trust that life will open up to make way a path, YOUR path, that not only serves you in the highest form, but serves others around you as a result, in an even greater way. "Become the change you wish to see in the world" isn't just a quote to say "Aww, I love that!" ...yawn, swipe right!!

I need to DO it! If not now, when?

I need to make a difference in this world. I need to help people live the life they dream of. I need to live the life I dream of. I feel it so very, very strongly. Even as I type this my heart is pounding with certainty! If not now, when?

So here we are in the final stretch of another year, soon gone. The final stretch of December, 2015! 2015! Another year we won't get back. Yet, another year ahead.

What will I do with this time, this year that waits for me to make my mark? What will you do? What needs to happen for you to live the life you are dreaming of? What needs to happen to keep putting one foot in front of the other, trusting that with each step, the path opens up and illuminates the next.

Will I continue to follow my instincts, my gut, and follow what feels right in my heart?

The beautiful thing is we get to write and re-write as needed.

We will all get swept away in 'the holidays'. Swept away in the hustle and bustle of life. Perhaps running on that same ole 'hampster wheel' of our life, promising ourselves, 'next year will be different! I swear!'

Well everyday you get that gift. Every day, every week, every month, every year. If not now, when?

Reflect. Acknowledge. Adjust. Do better. Repeat.

It takes a village to live life. You are in my tribe. I'm not doing my life alone.

Make the decision that will move you forward.

Click 'Contact' and reach out to me. We'll get on a call and figure it all out.

Much love!

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