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Stop the Madness!

Dieting sucks.

There, I said it.

And, I think we can all agree.

Dieting implies restriction, deprivation, bland, boring foods and frequently guilt, self-hatred, and regret.

No one wants that and no body responds well to that.

Trust me.

Dieting doesn’t work on a physical level nor on an emotional level.

Good habits and self-love are what work.

Ok, hold on a minute....let me explain.

On a physiological level, weight loss can be accomplished with good nutrition, exercise, and success-promoting habits.

On an emotional level, weight loss occurs when the weight of emotional baggage, stress, and negative self-talk is lifted.

This is the plight of most people I know who are trying to get it right!

– Good Habits:

Once I gave up following every fad diet, I began implementing practices that were good for health (and coincidentally were supposed to be good for weight loss).

I switched from the restriction approach that required cutting foods out of my diet to the nutrient-dense approach, which meant eating something green every single day.

I began including more real foods: fresh and cooked vegetables, fresh fruits, seeds, nuts, healthy fats, and organic sources of protein.

Filling up with these whole foods meant I was consuming less sugar and processed foods, not by willpower and depriving myself, but because I wasn’t hungry for them and they weren’t as appealing.

I also prioritized sleep, which meant honoring myself and my need to go to bed by 10:30 in order to get 8 hours of sleep.

In order to make this a habit, I set an alarm on my calendar to ring at 10pm on every one of my devices, reminding me it was time to get ready for bed.

This was not easy for me . . . I had become accustomed to 'noise' of a movie to fall asleep. (Not a good habit for sure!)

But I made it happen.

To make sure I had the most important physical bases covered, I also changed my exercise routine and my probiotic.

I added weight training and high-intensity interval training.

And I loved it!

That change began to give me muscle definition that I’d never had before and in less than half the hours per week.

With the extra free-time, I was able to do more of the self-love practices. . . keep reading!

Testing out different probiotics (supplements containing ‘good’ bacteria) helped me find ones that work better for my digestion, raised my energy levels, kept hunger at bay longer, and improved my mood.

It may sound crazy but gut health and the balance of gut bacteria matter a lot more than we ever thought.

– Self-Love:

Many people think the above should be enough to create a slim figure, but in my case, the real change that needed to happen was with my thoughts.

Changing your thoughts,

Changes your emotion, (the way you feel about it).

Changes your actions.

Which changes your results.

Eezzy, peezzy . . . I think not!.

But, through a lot of trial and error, I started developing a new approach.

It started simply, with a nightly gratitude journal of at least 3 things I could be grateful for that day.

After a few weeks, I even added one thing about my body I was grateful for.

That was a biggie!

Over time, I felt less stress and less anxiety, and coincidentally less hate toward my body.

As my attitude changed, my new lifestyle habits began to be more effective, and slowly my body responded.

Just like raising kids, our own bodies do best with love, care, compassion, nourishment, and acceptance.

Little by little, my body and my self-talk improved and finally there were days when I could actually like and appreciate parts of my body.

Of course this didn’t all happen at once.

And, I'm still working at it!

There were a lot of stumbles.

But now I can proudly say, I no longer diet!

Which includes totally enjoying an occasional dessert or treat without stress, shame, or guilt.

But more importantly, I love my body and all that it does for me.

Even to maintain weight – I won’t diet.

Whether you follow this approach or discover your own, I hope that you, too, can find the freedom that comes from ditching dieting and living a life that matches your health goals and is filled with self-love.

It's an ebb and flow of life on life's terms.

Make the decision that will move you forward.

Click 'Contact' and reach out to me. We'll get on a call and figure it all out.

We can do this together.


Much love,


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